Monday 24 September 2007

Computer has died a nasty death......
it may be a while before reading day 3 comes up. If i can save the old hard drive that is.

Don't Cry For Me, I Am Already Dead

Thursday 6 September 2007

Reading on a Thursday, (day 2)

Woke up early still with bad gut rot, Damn it was bad, maybe it was a undercooked sauasge from last night adding to the fact i already was suffering.... Karma yeah right Took the chance to perv as ive not done much else today
Hence the boys appreacated it

Not that Tan was in that kinda mindset
Flag making was the main order of the day and i didn't take many pictures of it for some reason
this little beauty is going to be strapped to my back. In the style of Yoshimitsu from
Straight edge is broken with 1 sip. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH IM BACK BABY YEAH........
theres like 25 of us camping this yr. A record im stateing as some of the gangbangers started back in 00
Husband and Wife
Mr and Mrs

Emliy kept that from last yr. It as a scotish security guards. he gave it me as i sweet talked my way back in after being kicked out for streaking.
That would come so in handy as it really does get hot over the weekend
Much better "Camp Twat" and "Leigh Elms"
Burn Burn
Lager, voidka and breadbull
Chris loveing life
Raff with Lisa, sister to Chris
yes my hair would be that long now it i did not sell out. Im working to change that now after 2 yrs of short conforming hair. Its Graham
Ive warned you before about takeing shit pictures u twat

Not getting wrecked in case mu bowl movements start up again

nearly bed time
Oh some young girls appear. Not that im botherd talking to them ive a date with the shitter in the morning
Bedtime for me and its all over untill tomorrow.