Friday 30 March 2007

Tame by carnage standards

The date i had set up for the friday day time went tits up big time so i made a call or 2. Seemed to smooth it out with the young lady so its back on for next friday. ENOUGH of my love life. I was on the phone to Jon. He Hated the idea of the blog, he wanted nought to do with it.... We shall see about that.
Just to get me in the mood.
And of course some liquid to undry the mouth after all the talking id been doing over the phone

Hey it was pay day yesterday £50s £20s, £10s and a £5 u name it I had it
So i took £45 of the lodgers hard earned. The rest was so far up my ass my, kids would need to bomb the toliet to get it out. No one was getting there middeon midges on my cash
£25 a bottle. Wheres the tesco 12p Extra Value Cola to mix with it

Mr May, Steve May. he was happy for me to take a pic in the cab. Jon and Burke were not so..... Dont worry ill catch them later.
Our home away from home for the evening
U may notice that its Lee AD&D from last weeks "highs and lows". He was off to bakers bar..... We were not dressed for it. So had to say my goodbyes here.
I think they call it 9-ball. Bastards. Manchester 8-ball is so much more fun

Needed a filler

Jon, at last i got him
Then these 3 females showed up. Things are looking up fellas. They were doomed compared to any of us, I felt out of sorts that 3 other people were more drunk than me.

Jon and me had the same belts on, look how they meld together.
Trick shot
Hello Burke, and no they wont get naked for us... Yet!!!
From left to right:
Kira ( whom told me she is a lesbian that is dateing a straight man ) + we shared some swear words in Thai and Chinese.
Clarie, ive meet her before and yes she was very very impressed with the streaking pic from reading, last time i saw her i think i licked her candy apple red shoes. Back in the days before the blog.
Anna she is polish and is off to Ireland soon to earn some euros. Well our english pounds aren't good enough huh.

Really these girls were smashed and soon dropped..... Shame as i was starting to catch them up.
WTF half a round whos fault is this
Carl, at least he was kind enough to give us a lift home.

I challanged claire that i could fit into her sexy Boots the chemist uniform. Sadly i was to sober to take the shirt off and try. + I for sure would of ripped it a new 1 if i had tried.
Tho i do like me new handbag.

YEEEHAHAHAHAH the girls left some drinks, Nearly turned my nose up at the fact it was full fat coke, with something alchooywooholl mixed in.

My angel
night night. Burke being the gentleman he is offerd to work Claire to the train station.
A rare action shot of Jon
Hope i don't get into trouble for this pic. maybe I better stop telling people at work about it. Hmmmmm....
"I Never sacred the girls away"
Where is ben
here he is
And he is gone again

Steve left a pint of Magners, So i stepped up like the real man i am
3 swigs later, Jesus Christ
Don't I know u from Manchester, darling
Carls ride
bet u can't geuss what he is doing
Carls ride, was a smellathon in corn beef...Tasty

I need to go to A&E about my arm anyway so do my legs in and everyones a winner

The stairway to bedlam
After a drink

It was early and the cook was up and willing to showcase her talents.
Actually she is Thai and can cook alot better than the scran u see over on
The pics do not do it justice. Well its 01.28am on saturday the 31st of march.
I have 6 shifts at work to look forward to now. Worth it im sure as it will be a full Friday and Saturday of epiclytolstoy to look forward too.... Check back next week you chumps